Place of business: New York , New York .
Dates of business: 1860-1946*
Addresses of business:
1860-1867-547 Broadway
1870-547 Broadway & 896 Broadway
1871-1874-547 Broadway& 39 Union Sq.
1875-547 Broadway, 39 Union Sq. & 92 Merchant.
1877-547 Broadway & 39 Union Sq.
1880-39 Union Sq.
*Per Robert Eliason/William A. Pond, son of Sylvanus B. Pond, first appears in the directories in 1847 with Firth, Hall & Pond. In 1850 he took over his father’s interests when the elder Pond retired. William A Pond & Co were largely publishers and dealers and continued on into the 20 th century.
**Per Langwill/1946 purchased by Carl Fischer.
Length of Instrument -the fife is 16 3/4 inch.
Wood -the instrument is made of, what seems to be, rosewood.
Key of instrument -Bb.
Finger Holes -seem to be all of the same size.
The spacing on the holes is as follows:
This shows that the hole pattern is not even.
Rings -The fife have 4 brass rings to prevent it from cracking.
Swell -the swell on this instrument comes right at the embouchure hole.
Ferrules – Ferrules are made of brass, scored with the following: Top ferrule has
2+1+2 scoring. Bottom ferrule is 2+1+2 scoring. Both seem to be made out of
seamless tubing, or I just cannot see the seam. Also, both ferrules have the
punch marks to keep them in place. Top ferrule is 1.204 inch in length; bottom
is 1.443 inch, and both are tapered..