Place of business: Boston, Mass
Note: This is an original Crosby fife made by Walter Crosby of Boston. This is not a Cloos/Crosby or a Crosby style fife. The original Crosby fifes are very different from the copies!

Dates of business: Circa 1830-1872*
*Per Langwill
This fife is marked: W. Crosby/Boston
Length of Instrument: 17 1/4

Wood: Appears to be Black Ebony
Key of Instrument: Bb
Finger Holes:
The spacing on the holes is as follows:
Note: Finger holes are of different sizes that are referred to as the “Crosby Pattern”.
Swell: At the embouchure hole.
Note: It seam that Crosby put the swell at the embouchure hole because he was going to put an inlay there. There is signs of an inlay being cut out. Also, the fife has enforcing rings.
Diameter: .74
Ferrules: Silver/seamed
Cat Number: 35